Energy label of HVAC equipment of Ecoforest.

The energy labels of the Ecoforest equipment explained

When buying a house, one of the key aspects to take into account is its energy efficiency. A house with a low energy-performance will lead to higher energy costs and a lack of comfort. Likewise, household appliances and HVAC equipment with low energy efficiency have a short and expensive working life. But, what are energy labels for energy efficiency?

This article aims to solve any doubts on energy labels, so that when you will choose among the Ecoforest HVAC equipment for your home, you will be able to better understand the scope of energy labels.

How to read energy labels

Energy labels rate the energy efficiency of household appliances and buildings with a consumption scale from A, most efficient, to G, least efficient. This allows the consumer to compare the energy efficiency of different appliances and take a better decision. The goal of the energy labels is to promote the most efficient household appliances to support energy savings and environmental protection.

Energy labels show seven classes, going from A+++ to G. A+++ appliances show the highest energy efficiency and the G class is reserved for the least efficient ones. Regarding colours, they identify the A+++ label with dark green, whereas the G label shows a dark red shadow.   

This classification is based in the Energy Efficiency Index (EEI) that takes into account the annual energy consumption in kwh (kilowatt hour), and other factors, as average operating time.

Heating systems with Ecoforest heat pumps show the highest performant energy labels in the European Union: the class A, A++ and A+++. Alongside, they also have the CE marking proving that they comply with the European regulations and standards.

Geothermal and aerothermal heat pumps are HVAC systems with a high environmental performance, since they are based on renewable energy sources. They also show a high efficiency due to the fact of generating four times the energy they consume. And, furthermore, heat pumps are more economic than traditional HVAC systems.

Energy labels of the Ecoforest equipment.
Energy labels of the Ecoforest equipment.

New energy labels for appliances in the European Union

The European Union is reviewing the energy label system of appliances. From the 1st of March of 2021, new energy labels are being progressively adopted by the market. Frist appliances to be affected will be fridges, freezers, dishwashers, washing machines, TVs and light sources. The change in energy labels will be phased in for all appliances in the European Union. The goal is to offer consumers clearer information so that they will be able to spot the most efficient appliance at the first glance. These new labels will also identify and assess the technological innovations implemented into appliances to enhance their efficiency.

The European Union studied the consumers’ behaviour when buying new appliances and discovered that the motivation for buying more efficient appliances had diminished because of difficulties to understand the former energy labels. Based on this analysis, one of the major changes will be the removal of internal classes, as the A+++. Besides, the appliances that are currently tagged with an A label will be re-classified into the B or inferior classes, leaving the A category for innovative appliances with improved efficiency performance.

New energy labels will only be applied to new appliances, whereas the ones that are already in the market can keep the former label.

How a building gets its energy performance certificate?

Energy Performance Certificates are for buildings, what energy labels are for appliances. Buildings in the European Union must meet a certain criterion to ensure the energy savings and environmental protection.

As in energy labels, energy performance certificates for buildings go from A, for the most performant ones, to G, for the least. Having an A-level certificate for your home means you could save up to the 90% of the energy, compared to a home with a G certificate.

Since 2015 the energy performance certificate is compulsory for any inhabited construction in the European Union. A certifier visits and assess the building and all its characteristics. Firstly, they analyze the exterior façade, close elements are other buildings, trees or parks, that may influence the heating or freezing needs of the building.

The certifier also analyses the interior areas: which are interior or exterior walls and windows location. For instance, exterior walls can have an impact in the household energy demand and, therefore, its needs for HVAC systems.

Likewise, the certifier also looks for thermal bridges, those points in an area that allow for important heat losses. Usually, the wall area surrounding a window or building pillars.

The certifier also analyses the HVAC systems, as these are the household appliances with the higher energy demand. On the contrary, nor light sources nor other appliances are taken into account for the certificate.

Apart from an assessment of the energy performance of the building, certificates offer tips for users to implement eventual improvements.

After the assessment, the energy performance certificate is generated with a label which includes the energy assessment, CO2 emissions and the energy demand.

As you can see, choosing the right heating and air conditioning systems for your house has an important impact on your energy performance. An efficient house needs a system with a low-energy demand. This is the case of Ecoforest HVAC systems which are efficient, cost-effective and environmentally-friendly. If you are looking to upgrade your HVAC system, do not hesitate to contact us.

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