

Heat pumps

El sistema de climatización más eficiente del mundo

Aerothermal heat pumps models


ecoAIR+ 1-7 PRO

Monobloc aerothermal heat pump with natural refrigerant, inverter technology and SCROLL compressor.


ecoAIR+ 1-9 PRO

Monobloc aerothermal heat pump with natural refrigerant, inverter technology and SCROLL compressor.


ecoAIR+ 3-12 PRO

Monobloc aerothermal heat pump with natural refrigerant, inverter technology and SCROLL compressor.


ecoAIR+ 3-18 PRO

Monobloc aerothermal heat pump with natural refrigerant, inverter technology and SCROLL compressor.


ecoAIR+ EVI 4-20

MonoMonobloc aerothermal heat pump with EVI, inverter technology and SCROLL compressor.

What is an aerothermal heat pump?

The most efficient aerothermal heat pumps are the so-called air-to-water heat pumps, so called because they extract heat from the air and transfer it to the water, unlike an air conditioner (air-to-air heat pump) that extracts heat from the air and transfers it to the interior through the air, being unable to heat domestic hot water (DHW).

Thanks to the high performance of aerothermal heat pumps, we can multiply electricity consumption by 3, 4 and 5 (depending on the external conditions and the installation), i.e., with 1 kW of electricity consumed we can generate 3 kW to 5 kW of thermal energy.

At Ecoforest we have focused our aerothermal range on air-water and monobloc style heat pumps.

ecoAIR advantages

Inverter technology + variable speed compressor
HTR heat recovery system
Cold production in the same equipment, capacity to produce cold/heat simultaneously
First manufacturer to use Copeland inverter technology
Cascade capacity up to 600 kW

Aerothermal heat pums advanteges

No CO2 emissions
Renewable energy source
Reliable equipment
All in one system, heating, cooling and DHW
Low maintenance and low costs

Descubre cuánto puedes ahorrar con Ecoforest

Te ayudamos a calcular el ahorro de una bomba de calor en comparación con tu sistema de climatización actual *

Puedes ahorrar en tu factura un

con una solución de energía Ecoforest

Consumo anual de una bomba de calor comparada con otros sistemas

Ver informe completo

Ver informe

Consumo anual estimado

Consumo de la caldera
Consumo bomba de calor
Demanda cubierta por bomba de calor
Consumo bomba de calor kWh
Rendimiento medio anual bomba de calor
Ahorro total

Tarifas y precio de la energía*

Tarifa eléctrica vigente
PVPC Normal
Precio de la energía eléctrica

Resultados del estudio*

Bomba seleccionada
Potencia diseño

* Resultados según normativa vigente. Este cálculo muestra estimaciones basándose en los datos aportados por el usuario de la aplicación. Son estimaciones meramente orientativas y no sustituyen al estudio que debe realizar un profesional.


One of the great advantages of the heat pump is the ability to heat, cool and domestic hot water (DHW) with the same equipment. The aerothermal heat pump extracts heat from the air in winter to heat the installation and the DHW. In summer, the aerothermal heat pump transports the heat inside the house to the outside, thus reducing the temperature.

Air conditioning is a type of aerothermal heat pump of the air-air type, this means that it extracts energy from the air and transmits it to the interior of the installation through the air, so air conditioning cannot be used with underfloor heating, radiators and cannot heat DHW. In addition, air conditioning is less efficient, more polluting due to the large amount of refrigerant it uses, and more expensive to maintain.

The monobloc aerothermal heat pump is of the air-water type, as it exchanges heat with the outside air and transmits it to the inside via water. Monobloc refers to the fact that all the components of the aerothermal heat pump are located in the outdoor unit.

It is a type of aerothermal heat pump in which all the components of the heat pump are in the outdoor unit, making it a very compact and easy to install system. The indoor unit usually has different models, some more basic ones consisting only of the control screen and others more complex with hydraulic kits and even domestic hot water tanks.

Both systems use the heat pump, the only difference is the medium from which the energy is obtained, in the case of aerothermal energy it is obtained from the air, but in geothermal energy it can be obtained from the ground and from water.

Heat pumps use energy to run the compressor, a component of the heat pump, but this electricity consumption is minimal compared to the energy that is extracted from the air in the case of aerothermal energy and from the ground or water in the case of geothermal energy. The heat pump can generate from 1 kW of electricity consumed up to 5 kW of useful thermal energy for the air conditioning of the house. Thanks to these high efficiencies, large savings can be achieved.

The monobloc aerothermal heat pump is a very compact air-conditioning system, so the technical room is very simple and small in size. The installation consists of an outdoor unit and an indoor unit. The great advantage of the aerothermal system is that it avoids duplicating systems as it produces heating and cooling.



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