Aerothermal heat pumps models
Monobloc aerothermal heat pump with natural refrigerant, inverter technology and SCROLL compressor.
Monobloc aerothermal heat pump with natural refrigerant, inverter technology and SCROLL compressor.
Monobloc aerothermal heat pump with natural refrigerant, inverter technology and SCROLL compressor.
Monobloc aerothermal heat pump with natural refrigerant, inverter technology and SCROLL compressor.
MonoMonobloc aerothermal heat pump with EVI, inverter technology and SCROLL compressor.
What is an aerothermal heat pump?
The most efficient aerothermal heat pumps are the so-called air-to-water heat pumps, so called because they extract heat from the air and transfer it to the water, unlike an air conditioner (air-to-air heat pump) that extracts heat from the air and transfers it to the interior through the air, being unable to heat domestic hot water (DHW).
Thanks to the high performance of aerothermal heat pumps, we can multiply electricity consumption by 3, 4 and 5 (depending on the external conditions and the installation), i.e., with 1 kW of electricity consumed we can generate 3 kW to 5 kW of thermal energy.
At Ecoforest we have focused our aerothermal range on air-water and monobloc style heat pumps.